Thursday 20 September 2012

Day 1

Hello out there to whoever, if there is anyone reading this. Today is the day that my friend and I decided that by next year we would run a half marathon. Now to some people this might not seem like such a crazy idea, but then you haven't met me. I hate running, just hate it. I hate how I feel during and right after, I like the 30 minutes after the run feeling though, that is great! When I was in high school and forced to run in circles around the gym, I guess I did enjoy running then. Since then, though, I have become so out of shape the idea of running makes me lose my breath. So here I am looking up training plans for something that I find to be crazy!

For me this will not only be a challenge to see how far I can push myself physically but also it will be the great weight loss of 2012/2013. This will be fun I'm sure. I have decided that for my training I will start with "Couch to 5K" this will take 8 weeks, and then when I can run 5K I will start on the half marathon training. I haven't decided which plan to use yet, I will of course keep you posted.

Training will start tomorrow morning, 9:20 is too late to go running in September, can't see a single thing! So tomorrow morning, hopefully, I will get out of bed and start my training. This is sure to be a lot of fun!

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