Thursday 27 September 2012

Day 3

It's been a few days! I'm so sorry! The whole point of this thing was to keep me on track and make sure I run. And here I am not doing it, procrastination has always been my strong suit.

I have run twice since I last posted. One day I went with two friends, one of the girls is a super know it all about running, and she always tries to tell me everything she knows. Anyways she pushed me to the point that I felt like I was dying and I couldn't breathe. Not my cup of tea!

The next time I went with my friend Amanda, we have been running together for a while now, just randomly. But we ran together and it was fantastic! We pushed ourselves but not to the point of death, but to where we felt fantastic! It's moments like that when I think, how great will it be when I run without having to make myself. It makes me excited for my half marathon!

Friday 21 September 2012

Day 2

I did it. Today I went for my first run. I started using the couch to 5K program, but I had already done some of it at the beginning of the summer. So against all reason, I started at week 4. Now this might not seem too crazy, but for me running 5 minutes at a time right now is a lot of work! My legs start to burn like crazy and I feel like I am just going to topple over. By the time I did my cool down and was walking up to my house I could hardly put one foot in front of the other, I was that tired. Part of me says it was because I hadn't eaten dinner yet, but mostly it was because I pushed myself so hard. I love it though, this feeling that I have right now, the natural high, this is the ONLY reason that I even consider running. Without this feeling of satisfaction and burst of endorphins, I would not do this.

Now the hard part is keeping to this plan. I once read somewhere that it takes 4 weeks to make something into a habit. So with that in mind I figure the first month will be killer, but that's okay... at least there won't be snow until after this month or else I would never get out to run! I do in fact hope to miss the snow completely and be in England before it comes. That's going to be the other hard part of this training, running in a foreign country. I think I can do it though, just tell myself it's speed sightseeing!

Tomorrow will bring the first of my cross training days, and I think that I will make them strength training days. I need to strengthen my core to help my legs and work on my weaker left leg, and maybe I won't want to fall over in a month!

Thursday 20 September 2012

Day 1

Hello out there to whoever, if there is anyone reading this. Today is the day that my friend and I decided that by next year we would run a half marathon. Now to some people this might not seem like such a crazy idea, but then you haven't met me. I hate running, just hate it. I hate how I feel during and right after, I like the 30 minutes after the run feeling though, that is great! When I was in high school and forced to run in circles around the gym, I guess I did enjoy running then. Since then, though, I have become so out of shape the idea of running makes me lose my breath. So here I am looking up training plans for something that I find to be crazy!

For me this will not only be a challenge to see how far I can push myself physically but also it will be the great weight loss of 2012/2013. This will be fun I'm sure. I have decided that for my training I will start with "Couch to 5K" this will take 8 weeks, and then when I can run 5K I will start on the half marathon training. I haven't decided which plan to use yet, I will of course keep you posted.

Training will start tomorrow morning, 9:20 is too late to go running in September, can't see a single thing! So tomorrow morning, hopefully, I will get out of bed and start my training. This is sure to be a lot of fun!